General Terms & Conditions

By using this site or employing Mughal Computer Services you are hereby deemed to have read and accepted the following terms & conditions.

  • Within these terms and conditions, Mughal Computer Services is referred to as "we" or "us" or "our". The client is referred to as being "you" or "your".
  • The following terms and conditions apply to all work carried out by Mughal Computer Services personnel and surpass any previous terms and conditions.
  • Conflicts between these and any earlier terms and conditions will be resolved by virtue of the following terms and condition prevailing.
  • These terms and conditions are effective from 1st January 2004.
  • Employing us will be taken as your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • New customers will be given a copy of these terms and conditions to read as necessary.

  • We will do our utmost to ensure any task or consultancy work requested of us is carried out to the highest of standards.
  • We will inform you of any risks that arise in the course of our work and the consequences as necessary.
  • If you elect to go ahead with the risk, then we will be unable to accept any responsibility for damage or any other loss in the event of any problems occuring.

  • Any documents, publications or other such materials handed to you with a copyright statement pertaining to Mughal Computer Services, Mughal Computers, Imran Khan or CRTC shall remain our intellectual property.
  • You agree to respect the copyright and agree to seek permission before dissemenating the information to any individual or business.
  • Information that Mughal Computer Services has given written persmission to allow you to disseminate will be disseminated in the original format given to you without any changes, and with all copyright information intact.
  • Under NO circumstances will you sell for any financial reward any information, publications or materials you have received from us to any individual or company.
  • Failure to adopt or keep to these terms will be taken as breach of the confidence and trust placed in you, and you may therefore face prosecution to the full extent permitted by the law of the United Kingdom.

  • Charges or fees levied for work completed by Mughal Computer Services personnel will be fair and appropriate.
  • The charges levied for work completed will be decided by Mughal Computer Services personnel.
  • There are no fixed fees or charges.
  • A premium may be levied for any materials (hardware, software etc) purchased for the client by Mughal Computer Services personnel and for work completed at unsocial hours (pre 9am or post 9pm).
  • The charges levied may contain additional elements which may include (but not limited to) the following:
    • Timing of the work requested, i.e. urgency of the work requested and whether it was requested at short notice.
    • Complexity and risk involved in the work requested.
    • The responsibilities placed upon us in the course of the work requested.
    • The place and conditions at the location the work is carried out if not at premises owned or rented by Mughal Computer Services personnel.
    • The value and/or importance of the work to you.
  • Any quotes provided to you by Mughal Computer Services personnel can only be taken as guide to complete the work requested, providing the issue to be resolved or addressed has been correctly diagnosed by the client or system owner.
  • Any fees or charges quoted with regards to work requested through phone, email or in person will always be an estimate, and actual charges may vary and will be based on the work completed.
  • Any costs incurred by us involving hardware or software in the course of work requested will be included in our charges to you.
  • We reserve the right to charge you for materials or equipment based on their anticipated need. Any such payments will be refunded should they not be required.
  • We reserve the right to charge expenses incurred in travelling to client premises should you live outside our immediate client area (within 5 miles of High Wycombe).

  • Payment will be accepted in cash immediately upon completion of the work requested if at client premises.
  • If not on client premises - a maximum period of 4 weeks is allowed for payment to be made.
  • Other options for payment that may be accepted on a case by case basis include cheque, direct bank transfer or via Paypal.
  • Credit or Debit Cards are not accepted as a method of payment.
  • Paypal payments will have an extra 10% surcharge of the total bill added onto recover Paypal service charges.
  • Any materials that have been requested by you that require purchasing by us will need to be paid for in advance (i.e. hardware or software).
  • Requests for interim payments may be made by us to you in the case of work taking an extended period of time.
  • Any requests for interim payments not met by you may result in us ceasing any further work until the interim payment has been met. In any such case we will not be responsible for any delays to work etc.
  • Interest will NOT be charged on any overdue payments, as a result of the business and ethical guidelines which Mughal Computer Services operate under.
  • For any overdue payments not met within a reasonable amount of time, we reserve the right to use any method at our disposal to recover the expenses and costs incurred by us as necessary.
  • We may employ accountants, solicitors, collection agenices or debt collectors as appropriate to collect overdue payments. All such costs of the aforementioned services will be met by you.

  • Mughal Computer Services personnel shall only be liable to the client or system owner and not to any third party individual or business.
  • We will accept libaility for any loss or damage to private property, death or injury if as a direct result of the actions by Mughal Computer Services personnel.
  • We will not accept any liability with respect to the following:
    • Indirect or consequential loss
    • Loss of business profits (salary, revenue or savings etc)
    • Any loss or damage that has been repaired or otherwise remedied by us
    • Loss avoidable by you either through negliegance or not following advice provided to you by Mughal Computer Services personnel

  • The terms and conditions outlined on this page will constitute a contract between us and you and be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.
  • Any claims between us and you will be goverened by the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the United Kingdom.



Avatar"Imran has been a revelation to me and my family! He has helped guide us through the maze of products to find an excellent laptop for me. He has also come round and fixed many issues and problems we've had with our computers and Internet connection.

Imran is never too busy to help and always on hand to provide us with advice and support. We really value his work and helpful nature."
S. Siddiqui, Slough

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